Proverbs 10:7

According to this verse, the way you are remembered after your death has everything to do with how you live your life now. 

The memory of the just is blessed but the name of the wicked shall rot.

Let’s see if that is true. Compare the memories associated with these following names and tell me which are blessed and which are rotten.

1st col.     2nd col.

Cain and Abel

Pharaoh and Moses

Saul and David

Jezebel and Abigail

Judas and Peter

Pilate and Cornelius

Satan and Jesus

You don’t hear of anyone named after someone in the first column but you hear a number of people named after those in the second column – that’s because the memories associated with the names in the second column are blessed memories and the memories associated with the names in the first column have rotted!!

You see, how these folks lived their lives in their lifetimes affected the memories associated with their names for eternity – Abel was righteous – Moses was meek and a friend of God – David was a man after God’s own heart – Abigail was of good understanding and of a beautiful countenance – Peter loved Jesus – Cornelius feared God – and Jesus did always those things that pleased God

On the other hand, the folks with the rotten names had rotten lives – Cain’s works were evil – Pharaoh was hard hearted [he that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy] – Saul was stubborn and rebellious and rejected the word of the Lord – Jezebel was an idolater and a murderer – Judas betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ – Pilate condemned an innocent man – and Satan is a deceiver who is full of pride – all of them rotten names!!

How will they remember you?  It all depends on how you live your life –

The deciding factors are based on the decisions you make and the actions you take in the following areas

The Righteousness of God – like Cain or Abel – is it right?

The Pleasure of God – like Pharaoh or Moses – does it please God?

The Word of God – like Saul or David – is it according to the word of God?

The Worship of God – like Jezebel or Abigail – does it honor God?

The Love of God – like Judas or Peter – is it out of love for God?

The Fear of God – like Pilate or Cornelius – is it in the fear of God?

The Will of God – like Satan or Jesus – is it the will of God?

Ask those 7 questions of anything you do before you do it – your answer will determine how you are remembered in eternity!!!


He lays them on His sinless Son (2 Corinthians 5:21

He forgives us of them (1 John 1:9)

He washes us whiter than snow (Psalm 51:7)

He makes them as wool (Isaiah 1:18)

He covers them (Romans 4:7)

He frees us from them (Romans 6:18)

He removes them from us as far as east is from the west (Psalm 103:12)

He casts them behind His back (Isaiah 38:17)

He dumps them into the depths of the sea (Micah 7:19)

He blots them out (Isaiah 44:22)

He remembers them no more (Jeremiah 31:34)


            We are living in a world of great need. Life has never been easy. Pressure has always seemed to close in upon people and breakdowns, tensions, frustrations are certainly nothing new. But this is an age of almost perpetual crisis. Now the problem is one of concern over natural resources.

            A well-known radio announcer, commenting on the energy crisis, said, “We don’t have a shortage problem, but we do have a crisis. There is probably unlimited resources of oil and other natural resources, but the crisis is in their production, distribution, and sharing.”

            How applicable this observation is to the believer in relation to the Word of God and precious souls! There is certainly no shortage of God’s resources, but there is often a crisis because Christians are not sharing their blessings with others.

            Our nation is faced with a very critical spiritual condition – the need for the Gospel which “…is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth…” (Romans 1:16) The shortage of oil, whatever its case, has produced hardships for many people in various parts of the world, but the shortage of the Gospel has produced a spiritual condition which is far worse.

            The real crisis in our nation and in the world today is the famine of the Word of God. Even if man in his wisdom learns to utilize and activate and share our vast natural resources, we will not live free of crises and tensions. These are conditions that can only be met as we learn to appropriate the greatest resources of all – the power of the Gospel and blessings of our God. What is more thrilling than a life changed and made new by the power of the cleansing blood of Christ as the Gospel is preached? What is more wonderful than the abiding presence of God’s Holy Spirit in the believer? It is exciting to know that despite all the tension-filled news and aura of gloom that pervades our world – that God is with His children and has resources sufficient for all our needs.

           The crisis of the world today is spiritual. We are living in the day of apostasy. Church after church is bowing to the pressures of the ecumenical movement. Formerly staunch Christians are upholding and promoting modern versions of the Bible. Everything that is essential for the salvation of the soul is being denied the people. Little wonder our nation is on the downward slide. May we determine as never before to share His resources – all the blessings of the Gospel with others.