The three expressions to be “… led by the Spirit … ” (Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18), to “…walk…after the Spirit” (Romans 8:4), and to “…Walk in the Spirit… ” (Galatians 5:16,25) present the same great Christian experience: namely, to be under the rule or government of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit will guide us, teach us, help us, comfort us. When the Christian pilgrim accepts this divine work as part of God’s principle of grace for his life, he will enjoy fellowship with God, will be characterized by serenity of heart, and will be a blessing to many. However, due to the law of indwelling sin, which so easily solicits the submission of the flesh, there are times in the Christian’s experience when, to his detriment and loss, he refuses to be controlled by the Spirit. We all know something of the bitterness of heart that follows those occasions when we have resisted, grieved, or quenched the Holy Spirit.

The purpose of this meditation is to encourage fellow pilgrims to have complete faith in the Spirit’s work, and to submit wholly to His rule over every area of our lives. Are we willing to renounce our own will and desires, even our own wisdom? Are we willing to renounce the world’s present “mores,” the guidance of men, and even- on occasion the mandates or practices of the church? If so, the following benefits deriving from the work of the Holy Spirit will be ours to experience.

1. The Holy Spirit will prevent us from doing that which the self-life prompts (Galatians 5:17). We are thus saved from the sorrow and remorse that result from anger, revenge, jealousy, uncleanness, oppression, slander, and other outbursts of the flesh. He keeps us from yielding to the evil tendencies of our old nature.

2. The Holy Spirit will make us like a fruitful tree yielding such fruit as “…love, joy, peace, longs offering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance …” (Galatians 5:22-23) – fruit that is delightful to God and beneficial to our fellow men.

3. The Holy Spirit will give us both the inclination and the power to crush and mortify the flesh with its passions and forbidden desires (Galatians 5:24; Romans 8:13; Colossians 3:5). In His perfect wisdom, God has so willed it that this process must continue as long as we live. We cannot relax in our vigilance even for a day.

4. The Holy Spirit will bring Christ- in all His loveliness – before the eyes of our hearts (John 15:26), thus giving us a delight that cannot be excelled.

5. The Holy Spirit who has produced a final revelation and has completed inspiration will daily increase our knowledge of truth by illumination. According to our present need and problem, the Spirit’s teaching will provide adequate light (1 John 2 :27).

6. The Holy Spirit will create in us a growing love for God and for His Word, His will, His Son, and His people. By the Spirit’s strengthening this love will be manifested through continual obedience to God’s commandments, increasing conformity to the image of Christ, and willing service to others.

As we continue along the pilgrim way, let us remember that it is not ourselves who live, but Christ: that is, His indwelling Spirit who is the controlling and living principle of the inward and outward life of every believer.