“For These Things I Weep”

Jeremiah felt keenly the disaster which had come upon his people. As he gazed upon a desolate Jerusalem, he said, “For these things I weep…because the enemy prevailed” (Lamentations 1: 16). This terrible loss – the fall of Jerusalem – was the result of disobedience. The people had hardened their hearts against God and His Word and were now suffering the consequences.

We cannot compare ourselves with the great prophet Jeremiah, but we sometimes weep as we consider our present situation. While false cults and counterfeit religious systems forge ahead, Christians drag their feet. Then enemy is prevailing in many areas today because of the sad spiritual state of believers.

“For these things I weep…”

SHALLOWNESS: In the early days we really knew the Lord and sought after the deep things of God. We served Him with sacrificial devotion. Now there is much superficiality among us. We fritter away our energies on the passing things of time, neglect our Bible reading and prayer time, and complain about “appeals” for the Lord’s work. How painfully our footsteps drag in His ways! Wholehearted service is the only kind that counts with God.

COMPROMISE: Everyone knows that there has been a profound theological shift in our generation. Compromise is the order of the day. What havoc is being wrought in the churches! The ecumenical movement is on the march. Full attention is being directed toward union with Rome. The state of things in the religious world today makes it imperative that we do more to give out the Word of God. If we fail – who can tell what forces will dominate the world spiritually during the years to come?

UNBELIEF: We know why it was that Israel failed God so miserably. They did not believe. They shut God out. And there is much skepticism, indifference, and apathy in our day. Unbelief is not only a blind and senseless reasoner, but a dark and gloomy murmurer. It neither gets to the right side of things, nor to the bright side of things. It is always in the dark, always in the wrong, simply because it shuts out God and looks only at circumstances. But God never fails a trusting heart. We can never go too far in counting on Him and trusting in His infinite resources.

“For these things I weep…” Do I weep alone or do others feel as I do? Together we can turn our tears into prayers that God may revive us again.

Pray that God will put upon many -who up to this time have been living a shallow Christian life – a burden of personal responsibility. The Gospel will avail nothing unless those for whom Christ died have the opportunity to hear and believe the message. Our part is to see that the message is heard.

Pray that God will enlighten His people concerning the dangers of the ecumenical movement. We can hardly imagine the harm that is being done to others because of the pressures this movement is bringing to bear upon them.

Pray that God will deal with the wicked sin of unbelief so prevalent in the hearts of His people today. God’s promise to our hearts at all times is, ” … Be not afraid, only believe” (Mark 5:36). Unbelief robs us of the blessing of proving this promise and of proving the all sufficiency of God.

This is a great day of opportunity. Let us take stock of ourselves and present to God a broken and contrite heart. Let us stand fast for the faith once delivered unto the saints. May God keep us believing!