1. AN EFFECTIVE LEADER IS PROACTIVE– He is not a passive person around whom things simply “happen”. He makes things happen through being a galvanizing catalyst.

    2.         AN EFFECTIVE LEADER IS GOAL ORIENTED-So often church leaders just bumble along without any goal in mind, with their churches just doing things because that’s the way they have always been done. Such aimless conduct should have no place in a witnessing, gathering church.

    3.         AN EFFECTIVE LEADER PUTS FIRST THINGS FIRST-He doesn’t major on secondary, inconsequential matters, but ensures that his priorities are the same as those the Lord expects from him.

    4.         AN EFFECTIVE LEADER WANTS EVERYONE TO BENEFIT, IF POSSIBLE-He ensures that his actions and his teaching do not favor one particular group in the church, but provides milk and meat, something appropriate for all to grow by.

    5.         AN EFFECTIVE LEADER WORKS HARD AT BEING UNDERSTOOD– Anyone in leadership swiftly discovers that there is a continual danger of being misunderstood – even when one speaks plainly. Misunderstandings can lead to disastrous situations. How many church splits have been rooted originally in misunderstandings? How often do misunderstandings worsen already strained relationships or discussions?

    6.         AN EFFECTIVE LEADER WORKS AT CREATIVE COOPERATION AND LEADERSHIP THROUGH TEAMWORK– Leaders can only lead by consent at every level. They can only lead effectively by helping people to feel part of a team-effort, rather than being under a leader’s feet.

    7.         AN EFFECTIVE LEADER IS CONTINUALLY LEARNING– One of the very best ways that a leader can stimulate people around him to have a thirst for learning is to be an avid learner himself. “Leaders are readers.” A leader who thinks he has nothing new to learn will be the worst bottleneck possible in the life of a church.

    8.         AN EFFECTIVE LEADER IS NA TU RALLY SERVICE ORIENTED-A Christian leader will not see himself as a “boss” but as a servant-leader, whose work of rulership in the church (cf. Heb.13:7, 17 & 24) is a servant role on behalf of the Lord.

    9.         AN EFFECTIVE LEADER BELIEVES IN PEOPLE AND THEIR CAPACITY TO DO GOOD THINGS– This can be a difficult way of thinking to fulfil. There are people whom we want to run a mile from when see them in the street; people who drive us crazy with their brattish and often boorish behavior. A true leader is one who can even see the good in the most troublesome person, and then go on to encourage it and develop it.

    10.       AN EFFECTIVE LEADER TAKES TIME TO ENCOURAGE AND REWARD– He doesn’t miss an opportunity to show gratitude and pleasure when work is well done. People need appreciation by nature. And nothing is more demoralizing than to feel that your achievements are of no significance. The Lord Himself rewards His people for their endurance and achievement. So should those who are the under shepherds.

    11.       AN EFFECTIVE LEADER WORKS AT EQUIPPING AND EMPOWERING– True leaders do not encourage dependency but always work at enabling others to develop their own abilities to stand. A teacher of the Word should not be content for people to sit at his feet open-mouthed like babies; but instead he should be providing the tools for them to study the Word effectively on their own. He takes pleasure in seeing people grow and think for themselves.

    12.       AN EFFECTIVE LEADER LEADS A BALANCED LIFE– He doesn’t only read one genre of literature, or listen to one kind of music, or follow one school of theology, or have a one-track mind in any respect. He is a spiritual “renaissance man”. As such, he seeks to enrich his life with many varied influences, and thus enrich the lives of many others. He knows that God “gives us richly all things to enjoy” (1 Tim.6:17).

    13.       AN EFFECTIVE LEADER TAKES HIS WORK SERIOUSLY AND HIMSELF NOT VERY SERIOUSLY-As human beings, we often take ourselves far too seriously, and as a result our work suffers. The leader should say: “The importance of my work for Him must increase; my importance in my own eyes must decrease”. A leader who doesn’t take himself very seriously will not be so easily offended, will not push his weight around, and will tend to have an infectious sense of humor -even being able to laugh at himself!

    14.       AN EFFECTIVE LEADER CONTINUALLY STRIVES FOR PERSONAL RENEWAL – He is not content to languish in the same spiritual, emotional and intellectual condition all his life. Instead he expects to grow and does everything possible to encourage that process. He knows the great secret that there is no such thing as “standing still” for the true Christian. One is only ever either falling backwards or moving forwards in this life. Continuous personal renewal is his goal.

    15.       AN EFFECTIVE LEADER SEES LIFE AS AN ADVENTURE-As a result, he views everything in life as an event on a great journey, rather than an end in itself. Seeing life as an adventure makes one into an adventurer. Adventurers are brave. Adventurers achieve things. Adventurers are fearless pioneers. Adventurers have no time for small-mindedness and pettiness. Adventurers are impervious to idle gossip, being far too occupied with adventure to be waylaid by such things. Adventurers are not afraid of the new. Adventurers don’t mind occasionally failing at things, seeing failure as an incentive to try harder. Adventurers even find hardship exciting and beneficial to their character (cf. James 1 :2-3).

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