Text: Ephesians 1 :3

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:”


Unlike the children of Israel in the Old Testament and in the future Kingdom of Heaven on this earth, the Christians blessings are primarily spiritual in nature and not physical or earthly.

Our text tells us that the believer is already blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places.

However, there are some things that can hinder or block us from having access to those spiritual blessings.

Today, we want to look at some blockades to spiritual blessings.

I. Selfishness Is A Blockage To Spiritual Blessings

1. Selfish people think only of themselves; Luke 12: 17- 19.

2. Selfish people show a lack of love; I John 3:17.

3. Selfish people reap what they sow; Acts 5:2,5, 10.

II. Laziness Is A Blockage To Spiritual Blessings

1. Lazy people beg in the harvest; Prov. 20:4.

2. Lazy people come to poverty; Prov. 6:9-11.

3. Lazy people will not work for Christ; Luke 19:20-24.

Ill. Covetousness Is A Blockage To Spiritual Blessings

1. Covetousness troubles one’s own house; Prov. 15:27.

 2. Covetousness causes one to come to want; Prov. 22:16.

3. Covetousness brings God’s judgment; Jer. 8: 10.

IV. Prayerlessness Is A Blockage To Spiritual Blessings

1. Prayerless people are troubled people; Dan. 9:13,

2. Prayerless people are disobedient people; Luke 18:1; James 4:2.

3. Prayerless people shall not prosper; Jer. 10:21.

V. Worldliness Is A Blockage To Spiritual Blessings.

1. Worldliness reveals the inward life; I John 2:15.

2. Worldliness does not please God; Rom. 8:5-8.

3. Worldliness separates from God; James 4:4; Isa. 59:2.

VI. Unfruitfulness Is A Blockage To Spiritual Blessings

1. Unfruitfulness comes from not abiding in Christ; John 15:4

2. Unfruitfulness results in the loss of reward; I Cor. 3:14-15.

3. Unfruitfulness brings judgment; Luke 19:20-26.

VII. Unfaithfulness Is A Blockage To Spiritual Blessings

1. Unfaithfulness is sin; Rom. 14: 23.

2. Unfaithfulness robs of the Crown of Life; Rev. 2: 10.

3. Unfaithfulness cannot please God; Heb. 11: 6.


Today, we have looked at seven blockages to spiritual blessings.

We need to do as the Psalmist said in Psalm 26:2, “Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.” to make sure that we are not causing a blockage to spiritual blessing in our lives due to one of the things we looked at today.

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