The word of the Lord IS right (Psalms 33:4). Every word of God IS pure (Proverbs 30:5). All scripture IS profitable (2 Timothy 3:16).

Though our perverse, modern society would seek to convince women that they can only know true happiness by casting off the yoke of God’s word, this is the very lie Satan told the first woman. The verses sited above are not just true of Biblical salvation, but of the Bible’s teachings in all matters of faith and practice.

In “the roll call of faith” found in Hebrews 11, God selects two women from Old Testament history. One is a single woman, Rahab. One is a married woman, Sarah. Thus, the wife of Abraham stands as God’s example to all married women who will live by faith.

She is set forth in 1 Peter 3:1-6 as the example to all women who are married to a man who is not obedient to the word of God. Let us examine carefully the meanings of the words used in the passage by the Holy Spirit.

1 Peter 3:1, 4-6 says, Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

Meek means mild of temper, not easily provoked or irritated, given to forbearance under injuries and provocations, softness of temper, yielding, specifically – submissive to the Divine will. It is the gracious ability to take wrong without being marked or ill affected thereby.

Are you meek?
Quiet is defined as a state of rest, not moving, without agitation, not exciting disorder or trouble, gentle, contented.
Does the Holy Spirit so control you that your spirit maintains its quietness despite the deeds or misdeeds of another?
Subjection means to be brought under control, power, dominion; subdued, regarding life, liberty and property.
While obey means to give ear to; to execute the commands of; to yield submission to, to comply with the orders of.
Sarah was in subjection and was obedient. She is God’s example to married women. Through all the misdeeds of her partner, she ably wore the ornaments that were so pleasing to the Lord. As we shall see in the sequel, she was given ample reason to mistrust Abraham but never did she have cause to mistrust God. Despite all she was forced to endure – and it was a lot – at the hand of her faltering husband, her confidence in the Lord kept her in a right relationship with her partner.
These instructions for blessing can only be carried out by one living by faith in God.

The context of 1 Peter 3:1-6 is a disobedient husband.
The likewise in verse 1 refers back to 1 Peter 2:18-25, where the Bible tells a slave to be subject to a froward master, and gives us the example of Christ being subject to His Father’s will despite mistreatment at the hands of evil men.

Consider the conditions under which Sarah was obedient to God by being submissive to her husband:
Genesis 12
Abraham left Ur, departed from family, and broke all ties.
Sarah obeyed
Genesis 13
Abraham went down to Egypt. He lies. He wrongly delivered Sarah into Pharaoh’s hand.
Sarah obeyed
Genesis 14
Abraham was off at war. He was gone a long time. She was left to manage all the household duties alone.
Sarah obeyed
Genesis 15
Abraham went off to worship God. He was busy building an altar. He stayed at this “church service” all night. Sarah was left home alone.
Sarah obeyed

Genesis 17
Abraham was promised a son. Sarah was 90 years old, childbirth and child rearing is hard enough for a young woman.
Sarah obeyed
Genesis 18
The Lord and two angels came to visit. Abraham sent Sarah into the kitchen to fix dinner. She missed out on the fellowship, conversation, etc.
Sarah obeyed.
Genesis 20
Abraham told Abimelech the same old lie. He cared only for himself. Sarah was again put in jeopardy.
Sarah obeyed.
Genesis 21
Abraham headed for Mount Moriah to put to death her only son.
Sarah obeyed.
When God chose Sarah for every married woman’s example, he not only chose a great woman, but one who did not enjoy what a modern woman would call an ideal marriage. In these chapters Abraham shows all the characteristics of a “typical man.” Praise God, Sarah seldom showed the characteristics of a “typical woman.”

The Christ-Honoring Commentary SeriesThe Book of Genesispgs. 193-196James W. Knox