His will Is for believers

1. To be sanctified in Christ work – Hebrews 10:10

2. To be chosen and in His grace – Ephesians 1:5

3. To be separated from the world – Galatians 1:4

4. To be holy in life – I Thessalonians 4:3

5. To suffer in silence – I Peter 2:15

6. To be thankful in everything – I Thessalonians 5:18

7. To recognize Him in all things – I John chapter 5:14


Reference Paul’s Warnings study. My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) Amos 8:11-12 Famine of hearing the words of the LORD, that is they don’t understand it

I want you to be able to discern truth from error, and that which is of God and that which is of Satan. (1 John 4:1

You need to be sound in doctrine 1st application of Scripture is doctrine (2 Timothy 3:16) Take heed unto the doctrine (1 Timothy 4:16)

Men and Young Men ought to have sound doctrine (Titus 2:1-8)

The Last Days – The Church of the Laodiceans

In the last days a departure from the faith and doctrines of devils (1 Timothy 4:1-6) Last days perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1-9)

People will forsake the truth and get for themselves preachers and teachers that tell them what they want to hear (2 Timothy 4:1-5)

If they speak not according to the Bible (Isaiah 8:19-20) See also 1 Peter 4:11 If you pervert, the words of the living God and do not repent he will forsake you (Jeremiah 23:33-36)

Things you need to know about false prophets:

There are many of them (1 John 4:1)

Many follow them (2 Peter 2:2)

Beware of false prophets that look like Christians (Matthew 7:15) and declare that Jesus is the Christ (Luke 21:8, Matthew 24:5)

They speak in the name of the LORD (Jeremiah 14:14, Ezekiel 13:6)

But out of their own heart (Jeremiah 23:16)

They seduce the people by saying peace when there is no peace (Ezekiel 13:10)

They are liars (Ezekiel 13:19, 22-23) Lamentations 2:14

They don’t deal with your sin to turn your captivity away

They believe Jesus is the Christ (Luke 21:8) and look like Christians (Matthew 7:15)

False prophets teach false doctrine (2 Peter 2:1) speak evil of the truth and MANY follow their ways (2 Peter 2:2)

They make merchandise of you through your own lusts (2 Peter 2:3)

They speak great words of vanity and allure through the lusts of the flesh (2 Peter 2:18)

They promise liberty, but bring you into bondage (2 Peter 2:19)

Preached peace always (Jeremiah 6:13-14) even to those that despise the Lord (Jeremiah 23:17)

They steal the word of God from you (Jeremiah 23:30)

God’s prophets:

True prophets turn people from their sin (Jeremiah 23:21-22) and they mainly preach that the people need to turn from their sin (Jeremiah 25:4-5) and they spoke out against things (Jeremiah 28:7-9)

The Fingerprints of the devil:

2 Corinthians 2:11 Not ignorant of his devices

Revelation 2:24 Not knowing the depths of Satan

General things about the devil:

He wants to be like God, he is religious, he is a musical being, he desires worship, power, and authority, and he is full of pride.

The devil is the great counterfeiter of God.

Genesis 3:1- 5

The very first words spoken by the devil reveal a great deal to the saint about what his tactics are: Yea, hath God said… In Genesis 2, God clearly and plainly told Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for in that day that he ate of it, he would surely die (Ge 2:16-17). Could God have been plainer with Adam? Did he not literally explain to him what God expected of him? God gave Adam the commandment not to eat of that tree: if he ate of it, he would die. God guaranteed that he would die.

So Satan comes along and asks a question, “Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”

1. Questioning the word of the LORD – the serpent first gets you to question the word of the LORD. By doing so, the devil is able to plant a seed of doubt in your mind about what God had really said. The devil is subtle, and he tried to trick Eve by first getting her to question. LISTEN-there is no reason for us to question God’s word ever! God can be trusted, the devil cannot be. As Jesus said, he was a murderer and a liar from the beginning.

2. Lies about the word of the LORD – We see in the fourth verse that the devil flat out lies. He told Eve that she would not surely die. At some point the devil will flat out contradict the word of the LORD, but he will try to hide that by mixing it with some truth. The Scripture affirms that some of what the devil said would happen, happened. Their eyes were opened and they did become as gods knowing good and evil. BUT they did surely die.

1 Chronicles 21:1

Satan got David to question and wonder about whether the LORD was multiplying the seed of Israel as the stars of heaven.

This thing displeased the LORD.

Job 1:6-12

Satan questions God’s judgment

Job 2:1-6

Satan continues to question God’s word after seeing God’s word remaining true.

Zechariah 3:1-5

Satan argues and resists the angel of the LORD here because Joshua was about to have his filthy garments removed and receive forgiveness of sins and get a new garment!

Matthew 4:1-11

The devil tempts with the lust of the flesh, eyes, and pride of life (see also 1 John 2:15- 17). Notice, Satan will quote scripture in trying to mess you up. The problem is the devil doesn’t rightly divide the Scripture, which shows he doesn’t have understanding of the Scripture.

Matthew 16:21-23

The devil contests the will of God and gets you to argue against the will of God for your life. The devil delights in the things of men, not the things of God.

Mark 4:14-15

The devil steals the seed of the word of God that was planted in the heart.

Acts 5:3

Satan can put thoughts into your heart even if you are saved.

2 Corinthians 11:13-14

Satan can appear as an angel of light, in other words a good thing. He also has MINISTSERS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, some of which claim to be apostles, and they give themselves that title.

1 Thessalonians 2:18

Satan can hinder you from your service to God, your service to men, and your calling of God.

2 Thessalonians 2:9

Satan has the power to perform signs, wonders, and miracles that deceives you

Revelation 2:9-13, 3:9

Satan has a synagogue of people that claim to be Jews and are not (That is professing Christianity that claims to be Jewish in order to steal the promises from the Jew and apply them to the church, i.e. the kingdom of heaven) This church dwells where Satan’s seat is.

Revelation 2:24

Satan is very subtle and very wise

Revelation 12:9

Satan is a deceiver

Mark 13:39

The devil has his own followers in the world

Acts 13:7-12

The devil perverts the right ways of the LORD and is an enemy of all righteousness

2 Corinthians 11:3-4

The devil will try to get you to disbelieve the word of God and it’s authority and adopt another voice and it’s authority in its stead. He will try to corrupt your minds from the simplicity that is in Christ. Be careful of another Jesus, another spirit, and another gospel (Galatians 1:6-9)

Judas Iscariot

John 6:70, 13:1-2, 13:21-30

Judas was possessed with a devil long before the last supper. Judas preached the word of God, performed signs, wonders, and miracles, and was in charge of the money. He appeared as one that could be trusted. The disciples had know clue who would betray the Lord because the devil inside of Judas wasn’t obvious, but eventually it became manifest.

Be Careful!



Every metaphor and simile of the Christian life illuminates some trait of the character of a Christian.

1.         A Branch for Fruitfulness – v.5. A branch in a vine is the outcome of the productive quality of the root and stem and is dependent for its fruitfulness from them. Through the branch the vine manifests itself in fruit. It needs to be cleansed, and pruned to bring its fruit to perfection. Being united to Christ, we bring forth fruit, and as we allow the Vine-dresser to develop us, we bring forth the “more fruit” yea, “much fruit,” and the fruit that remains – vs. 2, 8, 16. The fruit is “love” (Galatians 5:22)

2.         A Disciple for Fruitfulness – vs. 8-10. Discipleship is evidenced by fruitfulness. Being a disciple, we “learn” of Christ, we follow Him, and we are obedient to Him – Matthew 11:29; Luke 9:23; John 13:34.

3.         A Friend for Communion – v.15. Three things evidence friendship, namely, confidence, sympathy, and fellowship. We might call these love in exercise, like the love of Jonathan for David.

4.         A Chosen One for Holiness – v.16. When anyone or anything is set apart for a given purpose, and that purpose is achieved, the election is seen. We prove our election by selecting the things that faith adds to itself – 2 Peter 1:10

5.         An Ordained One for Benefit – v. 16. Fruit is produced for another’s benefit, is lasting in its blessing, and is forerunner of answered prayer. See the “that” in verse 16.

6.         A Servant for Employment – v.20. To serve such a Master is a privilege, even though we may have to suffer because of our association with Him. He has saved us to serve, and we save ourselves from many things in serving.

7.         A Witness for Testimony – v. 27. A witness is one who knows, and is able to tell out what he has seen and heard. The thing that gave power and brought conviction in the early days was what was evidenced in the disciples – Acts 1:8, 2:37, 4:13.


1.         “I have glorified thee” v. 4

2.         “I have finished the work” v. 4

3.         “I have manifested Thy Name” v. 6

4.         “I have kept” v. 12

5.         “I have given Thy Word” and “Words” vs. 8, 14

6.         “I have declared Thy Name” v. 26

7.         “I have known Thee” v. 25

8.         “I have sent” v. 18

9.         “I have given them Thy glory” v. 22


The problem with many so-called Christians today is that they only believe the Holy Bible as long as it does not infer with their lifestyle. Yes, they believe that you are saved by grace through faith not of works. They believe Christ died for theirs sins and only a person’s faith in Christ’s shed blood pays for all their sins and keeps them out hell.

When they come to such verses as Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,” (2 Corinthians 6:17, many will choose to ignore it because it interferes with some of their ungodly lifestyle activities. How about this one, ”Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” (James 4:4)

The problem is many Christians have so much of the world and the things of the world in them that they have become comfortable down here. You see believing every word of the Holy Bible would make you feel uncomfortable. Most will attend churches where you are never challenged to examine self and see how you match up with the Words of Almighty God. Most become offended very easily when you mention what the Holy Bible says about some of their lifestyle choices.

The words of God tells us, Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. (Psalm 119:165) So, when someone claims to be a Christian and are easily offended by what the scriptures say about their lifestyle then the problem is they do not love the words of God. However, they love the words of the feel-good preaching they listen to every Sunday. They love the words of their favorite so-called Christian personality they listen to on so-called Christian radio and television.

The words of God say, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) Notice the verse says “…all things are become new.” This includes your lifestyle as well. Has your lifestyle previous to your salvation passed away and  are you truly a new creature in Christ or are you someone that claims to be a Christian but your lifestyle reflects the world and the things of world?


” …Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting” (Daniel 5:27).

God weighed this man Belshazzar, king of Babylon, and found him wanting. Every man passes over God’s scales on his way to eternity, and God’s final decision is final. There can never be any appeal against that decision. I read, in Daniel 5:30, “In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain.”

This man had no intention of dying that night. He had planned this night to be the greatest night of his life, “Belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and drank wine before the thousand” (Daniel 5:1).

Babylon, the pride of antiquity, never looked gayer than on that night. Babylon never felt more secure. In the midst of it, Belshazzar reigned supreme, but before that night would finish, this blasphemer would beg for a preacher and God would write his sins on the wall of the palace.

There in the middle of the Babylonian Square, stood the palace of Belshazzar. At the palace, this night was to be a night of revelry, unprecedented in the history of Babylon! The music, the food, the laughter was great, but it was during this night that Belshazzar, the king of Babylon, stands to blaspheme the God of Heaven. This is what the Bible says, “Belshazzar, whiles he tasted the wine, commanded to bring the golden and silver vessels which his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the temple which was in Jerusalem; that the king, and his princes, his wives, and his concubines, might drink therein. Then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the house of God which was at Jerusalem; and the king, and his princes, his wives, and his concubines, drank in them. They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone. In the same hour came forth fingers of a man’s hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall of the king’s palace: and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote” (Daniel 5:2-5).

I want to repeat that last line, “… and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote.” God was uninvited to that supper-party, but He came anyway. A thousand lords and their ladies had attended a feast of death that night! God had an account to settle with Babylon.

Hebrews 10:31 says, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Galatians 6:7 says, “… God is not mocked …”  Herod will blaspheme and throw the apostles, James and Peter, in prison, and “… upon a set day … arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration …” (Acts 12:21). The crowd will shout and say, “… It is the voice of a god, and not of a man” (Acts 12:22), but God will enter that picture! Here is the record as the Bible writes it, “And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms … But the word of God grew and multiplied” (Acts 12:23-24).

Pharaoh will blaspheme and taunt the God of Israel and snear at Moses, and say, “… and the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh … there remained not so much as one of them. But the children of Israel walked upon dry land…” (Exodus 14:27-29).

Jezebel will blaspheme and swear to destroy God’s prophet, Elijah, and say, “And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window … And he said, Throw her down. So they threw her down: and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her under foot … And they went to bury her: but they found no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands. Wherefore they came again, and told him. And he said, This is the word of the LORD, which he spake by his servant Elijah the Tishbite …” (2 Kings 9:30-36).

Time after time man, in his daring, raw confidence, will take his chances and oppose the living God, and always the record is the same, “… Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting” (Daniel 5:27). Men will keep trying. The Hitlers and the Stalins will climb over the shambles of the Pharaohs and Belshazzars, and always history will record the same verdict, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31).

Friend, let me speak to you! What celebration have you arranged? What security do you boast? With what company are you? How much have you left God out of the picture of your life?

I’m not so sure that a lot of professing Christians aren’t as guilty as Belshazzar when it comes to using the holy vessels of God for other than intended purposes. Take, for instance, that sacred vessel, your own body. That body is made after God’s likeness. The Bible says that it ” … is the temple of the Holy Ghost … “ (1 Corinthians 6:19). What are you doing with it? 1 Thessalonians 4:4 says, “That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour.” The Apostle Paul says that the body is ” … for the Lord … “ (1 Corinthians 6: 13). What about it friend? There’s a “pay-day” coming, and I’m going to have to give an account.

Now, my unsaved friend, let me speak to you personally! Do you know what this chapter tells me? Here is what it says. It says that when the mysterious writing appeared on the wall of the palace that night, ” … the king’s countenance was changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so that the joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees smote one against another” (Daniel 5:6).

Did you get that? ” … his thoughts troubled him … ” His conscience went to work, and when he got the preacher there that night to read the Word of God to him, Daniel didn’t mince any words. He said, ” … thou knewest…But hast lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven … and thou hast praised the gods of silver, and gold, of brass, iron, wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know: and the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified” (Daniel 5:22-23).

You see, this man knew better! He knew about the deliverance of the three young men from the fiery furnace. He knew about God’s dealing with his father, Nebuchadnezzar, and how he had been driven into the field to eat and live like an animal for seven insane years. He knew! No wonder his knees knocked together that night. “For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things” (1 John 3:20).

In that night, now stark sober, with the handwriting on the wall, he had no one to blame but himself.

Neighbour, if that was true back there in the long ago, then how much more true will it be in this enlightened Gospel age? What excuse will you have?

I want to read you God’s offer, ” … He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5 :24). God is willing to settle this thing with you now.

God will settle for only one thing: He will accept your public confession that what His Son, Jesus Christ, did on the cross was done for you. When you make that confession it means that you are saying, “I am a sinner and worthy of God’s judgment against my sins as much as Belshazzar had it coming to him on that night of his drunken party, but I believe Jesus died for my sins and paid my penalty. My trust is in Him and His Presence to help me live as I ought to live.” Get down on your knees and mean it with all your heart and God will accept it, and judgment day will be over for you!

Friend, it’s up to you! I don’t know what may be the scale by which you may have been measuring yourself? You may be in the upper bracket in the social register of your community, but remember this, the day will come when God will do the measuring. You may feel secure in some little “Babylon” you have built- some bank account, reserves for a “rainy day” or “stormy weather.” But take the advice of a preacher, don’t count God out of the picture. Pay-day is ahead. A settlement must be made.

” … prepare to meet thy God … “ (Amos 4:12).


“Popularity has slain more prophets of God than persecution ever did.” -Vance Havner

“…let God be true, but every man a liar …” (Romans 3:4) is the language of true faith.” -A. W. Tozer

“Be assured, if you walk with Him and look to Him, and expect help from Him, He will never fail you.” -George Mueller

“An active faith can give thanks for a promise, though it be not as yet performed; knowing that God’s bonds are as good as ready money.” -Matthew Henry

“If we cannot believe God when circumstances seem to be against us, we do not believe Him at all.” -C. H. Spurgeon

“I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: first, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.” -Hudson Taylor

“Leave the broken, irreversible past in God’s hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him.” -Oswald Chambers

“Nothing is too great and nothing is too small to commit into the hands of the Lord.” -A. W. Pink

“To learn strong faith is to endure great trials. I have learned my faith by standing firm amid severe testings.” – George Mueller

“All thought, cleverness, knowledge, talent and gift- which the world superstitiously worships -must be set aside in order to enable one to trust the Lord wholly. The Lord’s people should persistently acknowledge their own unworthiness and incompetency.” -Watchman Nee

“God is God. Because He is God, He is worthy of my trust and obedience. I will find rest nowhere but in His holy will, a will that is unspeakably beyond my largest notions of what He is up to.” -Elisabeth Elliot


A strange subject! Yet if this subject were rightly understood, it would be well. As long as men think they are “something” when they are “nothing” (Galatians 6:3), they are in peril. But he who realizes that “All nations … ” before God “… are as nothing …” (Isaiah 40: 17), and that he personally is “nothing” and has “nothing,” a true hope begins.

The Lord Jesus strikingly said, “… the flesh profiteth nothing …” (John 6:63); whatever a man does or says, he cannot make himself fit for God and Heaven. Deep down in the heart there is pride that will not confess the facts of the case. How few have seen themselves in God’s sight. Stripped of all tinsel, the soul has “nothing” in God’s sight. He who has this experience may well be alarmed.

It is important to remember something else. Ecclesiastes 5: 15 reminds us that a man can “… take nothing of his labour …” when he dies. He must leave everything! It is strange indeed that men are willing to go on in a world of uncertainty, a world of “nothing” – nothing real, nothing permanent, nothing to satisfy the heart – when all the time there is a certainty, there is a security, there is a blessedness in Christ Jesus.

Let a sinner take his right place and own himself a sinner, let him cry out under the burden of sin, let him feel his need of a Saviour what will happen then? Scripture is not indefinite as to the answer, and the Holy Spirit is not slow to apply it to the heart of one awakened. When the load of sin seems too heavy, the Saviour’s “Come unto me …” (Matthew 11 :28) is music to the heart. When the debtor realizes he has “… nothing to pay …” (Luke 7:42), the Lord speaks of frank and full forgiveness. Yes, it is for such that the Gospel has been graciously provided. It is an impressive fact that the Bible has not a single word to encourage the self-confident; all the invitations are worded to show grace to the unworthy.

Think of a few Gospel declarations: ” … he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound” (Isaiah 61:1); ” … bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind” (Luke 14:21). Could anything be more repulsive and distressing to the one who vainly thinks he has “something”? But could anything be more refreshing to the one who knows he has “nothing”? Truly, in this sense, “He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away” (Luke 1 :53).

Reader, if you are rich in your own self-righteousness, you too will be sent empty away. Read Psalm 107, and you will find each part speaks of God’s wonderful works to those who are in dire need and none others. First we have the hungry and the thirsty, then those that sit in darkness and the shadow of death, next those that draw near to the gates of death, and lastly those who are at their wit’s end. The great peril today is that sinners do not see their utter need and, thus, do not see the precious necessity of the death of Christ if they are to be saved. When we own and feel we are nothing and can do nothing, Christ is the only hope- everything is a blank without Him!

The Devil Hates God’s Word

The devil’s hatred of Scripture is revealed the first time his name is mentioned in the Bible. Moreover, those who associate with him manifest the same hatred. Let us notice Genesis 3: 1-3:

“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.”

“…Yea, hath God said… ” This is Satan’s first utterance in Scripture. It is a challenge to the authority of the Word of God. Eve, in listening to the devil, altered God’s Word:

1. She omitted the words every and freely (Genesis 2: 16).

2. She added the words neither shall ye touch it(Genesis 3:3), to God’s command in Genesis 2:17.

3. She altered the certainty of “… thou shalt surely die” (Genesis 2: 17), to the uncertainty of “… lest ye die” (Genesis 3:3). Satan’s temptation succeeded because the Word of God was omitted, added to, and altered. It was undermined to the extent that the devil was believed when he denied the Word of God, saying, “… Ye shall not surely die” (Genesis 3:4).

In sharp contrast, Satan’s temptation of the last Adam failed because the Lord Jesus Christ three times repeated, honoured, and established what God had said. He refuted the devil’s suggestions with the affirmation, “… It is written … “ (Matthew4:4,7,10).

In Christ’s great high priestly prayer (John 17), the Word of God is referred to three times (verses 8,14,17). The disciples received the Word, and they conformed to it. That fellowship with the Father sanctified them and determined their relationship to the world. God’s commandments are only kept when they are obeyed.

Three times God has warned us of the seriousness of altering His Word:

1. “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you” (Deuteronomy 4:2).

2. “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar” (Proverbs 30:5-6).

3. “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen” (Revelation 22:18-21).

God has entrusted us with His Word; therefore, it is time for believers to uphold His Word.

Giving Thanks In All Things

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” ( 1 Thessalonians 5: 18).

God intends that our Christian life should be one of constant prayer, “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5: 17); constant joy, “Rejoice evermore” (1 Thessalonians 5: 16); and constant thanksgiving, “In every thing give thanks …” (1 Thessalonians 5: 18). The Apostle Paul certainly lived out his own injunctions, for he was unceasing in prayer, full of thanksgiving, and rejoiced greatly in all circumstances. He lived continually in the spirit of thanksgiving. Praise was as natural to him as breathing. He could truly say with the Psalmist, “I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34: 1 ). He was ever on the lookout to find some cause for gratitude, and every prayer had its note of praise. He was never without some theme for thanksgiving. He perpetually thanked God for His marvelous grace in saving his soul, in calling him to be His apostle to the Gentiles (1 Timothy 1: 12-16). He thanked God for the faith, love, fellowship, and witness of his beloved converts. What heartfelt gratitude he showed to the believers in Philippi for their thoughtfulness to him in his hour of need! (Read Philippians 4:10-19.)

The apostle exhorted and encouraged his fellow Christians to cultivate the beautiful flower of thanksgiving in the garden of the soul. “… be ye thankful” (Colossians 3:15), he said to his converts in Colosse. To emphasize this injunction, he adds, “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him” (Colossians 3: 17). In his epistle to the Ephesians, he exhorts, “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:18-20). No time of prayer should be without its season of thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6).

The Apostle Paul exhorted believers not merely to give thanks in some things, but “In every thing …”; nothing is to be excluded. It is very easy to give thanks for some things because they give such pleasure to body, mind, and soul. We thank God for the springtime, and for the annual miracle of the harvest. We find cause for deep gratitude in the love of parents, wife, husband, brothers, sisters, lover, and friend; in God’s bountiful provision for our daily needs, for the gift of sound body and sound mind. We thank God for the great men of the past who toiled, prayed, and suffered that we might enjoy our national independence, our freedom to worship God according to the dictates of conscience. We do not find it difficult to give thanks to God for the wonderful way He has brought us through the dark days of the past, for the glorious victory He is granting to us and our allies over a cruel and relentless foe. Above all these material blessings, the believer thanks God for the gift of His beloved Son, through whose atoning blood we have been “ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,” and for the great gift of eternal life. For ten thousand precious gifts from the giver of “Every good gift and every perfect gift …” (James 1: 17), we should lift up our hearts in thankfulness and praise. It is sad to reflect on the fact that there are multitudes who are thankless, full of murmurings and complaints; they never lift up the heart in praise to God. There are times when the ingratitude of man burdens the heart of Christian workers, and the soul cries out in sorrow. “Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!” (Psalm 107:8).

But to give thanks in “… every thing …”, how hard and seemingly impossible! How can we give thanks at the coffin that contains the mortal remains of our nearest and dearest; in failure in business; in the loss of sight, hearing, or speech; when that man or woman tries us so sorely and continuously; in these and a hundred other heavy trials, how can we give thanks? The heart is tempted to rebel and to murmur rather than to give thanks. Yea, there are times when even the choicest of God’s saints find themselves struggling hard with giant despair; the burden of life gets on top of them for a while and crushes the spirit.

Let it be admitted that it is hard to give thanks always in all things, but through divine grace it is gloriously possible. When we have learned to live out the apostolic injunction, we shall find that life will become completely transformed. There are thousands of Christians who have maintained the spirit of thanksgiving and praise under the hardest possible circumstances. Did not the Apostle Paul practice his own precept? With his back bleeding and smarting with pain, and his feet fixed fast in the stocks, he “… sang praises unto God…” (Acts 16:25). One of his brightest epistles was written when a prisoner, and uncertain whether the morrow would bring life or death. It is full of thanksgiving and joy, and he called on his converts to “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice” (Philippians 4:4). The early Christians faced the lions and the stake with a song and a smile, thanking God that they were counted worthy to suffer and to die for the sake of the Name of Jesus.

It is only as we recognize that it is “… the will of God in Christ Jesus …” that we should give thanks for all things that we will be ready and able to live out the apostolic injunction. The trustful and obedient believer who lives to do the will of God will give thanks in all things, knowing that whatever lies within His will must have some good behind it. That trying experience you are passing through just now is meant for your good. God has a plan for your life and mine, and it is His great purpose that we should grow in the likeness of His dear Son, and glorify Him in all things.

Life’s trials are sent to develop in us the Christian virtues and graces of love, trust, patience, humility, fortitude, and courage. When these things are seen in us, the thoughts of men tum Christward and heavenward. Men will then see their own selfishness, unbelief, impatience, pride, and cowardice. Often their hostility to us is but a cloak to hide their own deep sense of sin, defeat, and dissatisfaction. When we believe beyond all doubt that “… all things work together for good to them that love God…” (Romans 8:28), we shall not find it difficult in everything to give thanks. When we live this life of continuous thanksgiving, we shall find its effect on body, mind, and soul will be most beneficial, for “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD…” (Psalm 92:1). “… O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever” (Psalm 30: 12).