On the walls of a large room in a public building are two small instruments. As one glances at them casually, their appearance is similar. Upon closer inspection, however, we find that the one is a thermometer, while the other is thermostat.

The thermometer does its job well. It records the temperature in the room. It is affected by its environment, but it does nothing to change the environment.

The thermostat, on the other hand, is also affected by the heat or cold of the room, but instead of merely reflecting the temperature, it proceeds to do something to make the temperature as it should be in case it is too low or too high. It determines, in fact, what the temperature of the room shall be.

We meet people like that sometimes. Some are “thermometers.” They are affected by their environment, associates, circumstances – whether good or bad, they reflect that environment. They take on the mannerisms, habits, and conversation of associates. They “do as the Romans do.” They go up or down with their environment, but they never do much, if anything, to make that environment better, more helpful.

Then we occasionally meet some “thermostat” folks. They too, are affected by environment, in that they quickly sense whether it is good or bad, proper or improper, helpful or degrading. If it should be raised in its standard, they proceed to do something about bettering it.

The thermometer cannot do anything to change the temperature of the room because it hangs by itself. It has no connection with the source. The thermostat, on the other hand, is connected with the heating plant. It reaches and controls the source of power. It can and does, change things. A Christian is like a thermostat in some respects. He is sensitive to conditions around him, and he knows that it is his duty to do something to help make them better, both for himself and others. He is connected with the Source of Power – God. He can reach the throne of grace through prayer. That makes the difference, and the results are according.

A thermometer and a “thermometer person” conforms to the environment about him. A thermostat and a “thermostat person” transforms the environment.

If we are merely conforming, merely reflecting present conditions about us, thermometer-like, perhaps we are out of touch with the Source of Power. T thorough check-up would be helpful.