A godly Mother – From A to Z

Always reads her Bible, for daily nourishment.

Believes God’s promises without fear.

Covers each child with diligent prayer.

Disciplines her little ones scripturally.

Enjoys her family to the uttermost.

Forgives her children when they fail repeatedly.

Goes to church out of need and gives faithfully.

Holds her children accountable and truthful.

Isn’t afraid to ask forgiveness of her children.

Just knows when something’s up with her child.

Knows she’s deeply loved by her Jesus.

Loves and respects her husband exceedingly.

Models Christlikeness to her family.

Never calls her children bad names.

Overcomes struggles by calling on Jesus’ name.

Places her children into the Father’s hands.

Quietly smiles with satisfaction and delight.

Refuses to worry and fret over her children.

Sets boundaries for her children’s behavior.

Tries to listen to her children intently.

Understands her limitations and need for rest.

Very often hugs and tenderly touches each child.

Works and labours without complaint.

Xpects her reward from God, not others.

Yearns to help her children succeed in life.

Zealously sees to her family’s health and welfare.