When we consider the fact that man was created in God’s image and given dominion over the earth (Genesis 1 :26-27), and soul winning is putting a person into a position where the lost image of God can be restored and dominion regained, how important is soul winning?

When we consider the fact that an unsaved person is open to demon possession, and a saved person is indwelt by God Himself, in the person of the blessed Holy Spirit, how important is soul winning (1 Corinthians 3:16)?

When we consider that the Bible, which is earth’s operational manual, is a closed book to the unsaved but taught to the believer by the indwelling Spirit (1 John 2:27), how important is soul winning? When we consider that prayer is only effective as a new-born child of God prays in the name of Jesus (John 16:23), how important is soul winning?

When we consider that the only thing that keeps the world from becoming so rotten that it is discarded by God is Christians who are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13), how important is soul winning? When we consider that the only thing keeping earth from giving in to total moral and spiritual darkness is saved people who are

the light of the world (Matthew 5:14), how important is soul winning? When we consider how sin destroys lives and how only the indwelling Lord can give one power to conquer sin (1 John 4:4), how important is soul winning?

When we consider how badly children need Christian parents (Deuteronomy 6:7), how important is soul winning?

When we consider how many young lives are being destroyed and how only a Christian young person can hope to avoid such destruction (1 John 2:13), how important is soul winning?

When we consider how miserable most people are and how joyous the Christian life can be, how important is soul winning?

When we consider that unsaved people are destined to spend eternity separated from God in Hell (Psalm 9:17), how important is soul winning?

When we consider that only saved people can hope to enjoy the bliss of Heaven (John 5:24), how important is soul winning?

Is soul winning more important than visiting family or friends? Is it more important than a sports event? Is it more important than that vacation you planned for so long? Is it more important than being thought of as a “good guy” or a “great gal”? Is it more important than money, comfort, popularity, or even life itself? The questions all answer themselves.