Only a blast of ram’s horns and a shout – and God made the walls of proud Jericho crumble to their foundations, and the key of all Canaan was in the hand of lsrael (Joshua 6).

Only two women: one, Deborah, who inspired courage in the fainting hearts of lsrael’s men; the other, Jael, who with a hammer and nail laid Israel’s master low; thus the end came of twenty years of mighty oppression (Judges 4-5).

Only an ox-goad, but with it six hundred Philistines were slain, and Israel was delivered by Shamgar’s God (Judges 3:31).

Only a trumpet blast, the smash of lighted pitchers, and a shout, but by these, and Gideon, God delivered Israel from the seven-year yoke of the Midianites (Judges 6-8).

Only the jawbone of an ass, yet heaps upon heaps of Philistines fell before it, because God strengthened Samson’s arm that wielded it (Judges 15).

Only a sling and a stone, but with unerring precision, directed by Almighty God; and that day Philistine’s mighty men were put to shame, the Philistine giant licked the dust, and God’s honour was vindicated (1 Samuel 17).

Only a few ignorant, unlettered, yet whole-hearted and consecrated men and women, but by the power of God they taught men the way of salvation, which transforms its possessors into the likeness of the Son of God Himself and brings them into eternal glory (Acts 1-2).