Some time ago, sixty-six teenagers from a Christian camp visited a small town in Ohio and received the shock of their lives.

They approached 675 of the town’s population and asked just one simple question, “How does a person get to Heaven?” One man said, “Fly.” Some guessed. Some did not try to guess. Only a little over 15 percent knew the answer and said, “Receive Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour.”

Of the 675 queried, 561 gave a wrong answer. The ten most frequent answers were: be good to your neighbor, go to church, read the Bible, work your way, live right, be sincere, be baptized, pay your bills, obey your conscience, hope.

If being good, living right, being sincere, could get us to Heaven, why did Jesus go to the cross and die? Why did God send Him there?

The cross was the only way God could provide a remedy for the sin that all of us have in our lives. If you think for one moment that you do not need cleansing, look to Calvary and see Jesus.

If this were not absolutely the only way there could be salvation for you, Jesus would never have gone there. Receive His salvation, so dearly purchased for you. “… now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” Corinthians 6:2).