What Our Nation Needs

A leader like Moses, who refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, but was willing to go with God.

Army generals like Joshua, who knew God and could pray and shout things to pass rather than blow them to pieces with atomic energy.

A food administrator like Joseph who knew God and had the answer to famine.

Preachers like Peter, who would not be afraid to look people in the eye, and say, “Repent or perish,” and denounce their personal as well as national sins.

Mothers like Hannah, who would pray for a child that she might give him to God, rather than women who are delinquent mothers of delinquent children.

Children like Samuel, who would talk to God in the night hours.

Physicians like Luke, who could care for physical needs and introduce their patients to Jesus Christ who is a specialist in spiritual trouble.

A God like Israel’s instead of the dollar god, the entertainment god, sports god and the auto god.

A Saviour like Jesus, who could and would save from the “guttermost to the uttermost.”